K. Male'
18 Sep 2017 | Mon 18:48
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Azmoon Ahmed
MP Faris Trial
Judge Sameer booted from MP Faris’ case, Judge Shujau appointed to head bench
Scheduled hearing canceled
Change to bench was brought against Supreme Court ruling
Judge Shujau began work in Male’ branch on Sunday

High Court Judge Shujau Usman has been appointed as presiding Judge in the appeal case of jailed Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

The appeal case was initially lodged in B-8 section of the High Court. However, almost a month after the hearings of the case had concluded, the case had been transferred to B-6 section of the Court.

The case was previously reviewed by High Court Judges Abdullah Didi, Ali Sameer and Abdul Rauf Ibrahim. Judge Sameer had been removed from the bench and replaced by Judge Shujau Usman.

Judge Shujau was placed in the Southern bench of High Court, however, under a Supreme Court ruling, he was transferred back to Male’ branch. His tenure at the Male’ branch began on Sunday.

MP Faris’ lawyers had filed for a stay order in Supreme Court, citing that the bench was changed against a Supreme Court precedent.

In a letter sent to Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed on Sunday, the lawyers argued that in 2012, the Supreme Court had passed a ruling that stated unless there was a valid legal reason to change the bench, then it cannot be done so. The lawyers argued that no such issue had surfaced with MP Faris’ case and had requested to enact appropriate measures on the issue.



The last appeal hearings were held on August 9th, with the Court announcing that a verdict will be announced in the next hearing.

A hearing was scheduled for the 20th of August, but canceled.

Lawyers and family of the Parliamentarian had expressed their concerns over the delay in announcing a verdict.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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