K. Male'
29 Aug 2017 | Tue 14:38
Kendhoo Constituency Member of Parliament Ali Hussain
Kendhoo Constituency Member of Parliament Ali Hussain
By-elections for Constituencie
Cannot land in islands to hold illegal by-elections: MP Ali Hussain
Supreme Court will not relinquish their rights
No state lawyer capable of translating Supreme Court decision
Not permissible to pay taxes to a Government that fails to implement justice

Kendhoo Constituency Member of Parliament Ali Hussain says that there was no way the Elections Commission (EC) officials will be allowed to disembark on any islands to hold illegal by-elections.

Speaking in Monday night’s rally in Maafannu Kunooz, MP Ali Hussain said that he did not believe that the Supreme Court will relinquish the rights granted to them under clause 74 of the Constitution and that he did not believe that the EC can take over this power.

Ali Hussain referred to the decision made by the Court on August 27th, noting that the decision was crystal clear in it that Parliament Members had not lost their Parliament seats. As such, the lawyer noted that any by-elections held for those constituencies were illegal and that the Commission had no right to conduct elections.

He referred to the decision made by the EC to announce the by-elections following the Supreme Court decision, noting the EC’s decision was an ‘interpretation’ of it.

The lawyer also compared the Supreme Court decision to a ‘masterpiece’, which none of the state lawyers were able to interpret.

MP Ali Hussain also expressed that there was no need to pay taxes to a Government that failed to do one of the basic tasks of a Government, which was establishing justice.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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