K. Male'
29 Aug 2017 | Tue 14:19
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom addressing Kunooz rally
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom addressing Kunooz rally
Political Crisis in the Maldiv
Personal responsibility does not end with just electing a President: ex-Pres. Maumoon
Citizens have failed in keeping electors accountable
Some MPs have attained unchecked wealth since election
Security forces must not allow abuse of state institutions

Former President and elected President of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Maumoon Abdul Gayoom says that personal responsibility does not end with just electing a President or a representative.

Speaking in the joint opposition rally held in Maafannu Kunooz on Monday night, the former President said that elected officials were in their positions for a specific reason; to further interests of the general public. Therefore, he said the constituents must not shirk their responsibilities of holding them accountable.

‘Citizens have to be awake, aware. They [electors] are paid from the public coffers. Their work is what we have assigned them to do. They serve us. If we employ some one, pay them a salary, we will obviously review their work. We’ll be compelled to check. Similarly, citizens have to do the same. Citizens have to ensure that their elected representatives are doing what they are supposed to do. If not, they have to hold those individuals accountable,’ President Maumoon said.

President Maumoon said that the citizens have failed in this aspect. This responsibility, he said fell on all citizens, not just a certain group.

While the former President made the observation, this Government had been the center point of many corruption and graft scandals, as well as human rights abuses. Since this Government came into power in 2013, many laws have been changed to suit Government needs, by using the super majority status they enjoyed in the Parliament.

In his address, the former President noted that elected officials had routinely abused their positions for their own gain. As such, he noted that some MPs have become extremely rich following the elections, with some MPs expanding their own business interests.

Prior to concluding his speech, the former President once again appealed to security officers not to allow abuse of state institutions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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