K. Male'
28 Aug 2017 | Mon 14:20
Abdul Baaree Yoosuf, Judge at Juvenile Court
Abdul Baaree Yoosuf, Judge at Juvenile Court
Judicial Watch
Police silent on slashing security for Judge Baaree’s family
Baaree claims security was slashed
VIP Security silent on claims
Judge Baaree has recently taken to social media to vent out his frustrations

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has refused to comment on the status of security provided to the family of Judge Abdul Baaree Yoosuf, former Judge at Criminal Court.

Judge Baaree, who had recently been demoted to Juvenile Court bench, stated on Facebook that if the authorities wished to intimidate him by slashing security provided to his family, then it was a grave misunderstanding. ‘If [you] dare, come and kill me,’ he said in the post.

When questioned by RaajjeMV about the claims, Police Media Official reported that VIP security details are confidential.

Security given to Judge Baaree’s family was slashed at a time when the Judge had taken to social media to vent out his frustrations over various issues.

He had on Friday, wrote on Facebook about a lion and a sheep. In the post, he said if the lion wished to devour the sheep, there was no reason the sheep could show to prevent that from happening,

He had previously mulled on the justice system, questioning whether there would be anyone who was crueller than the person who knew the loopholes in the system and abused it for personal gain for a few individuals.

He had also said there was no point in making, ratifying and gazetting the laws if they were not acted on and implemented.

In another Facebook post, he referred to a group of people, calling them ‘cruel’, adding that details were to follow.

Judge Baaree was demoted to Juvenile Court by Judicial Service Commission (JSC) on July 11th. Prior to this, Judge Baaree had thrown out the case against Jumhooree Party Leader and Maamigili Constituency MP Qasim Ibrahim from Court. The same case was filed again after Judge Baaree’s demotion to Juvenile Court with Criminal Court passing a three year, two month and 12-day sentence on MP Qasim for attempted bribery charges.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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