K. Male'
24 Aug 2017 | Thu 04:49
Ahmed Naseer, possible next Governor of MMA
Ahmed Naseer, possible next Governor of MMA
MMA New Governor
Committee vets Naseer for MMA Governor sport
Committee passes nominee with 94 percent marks
Passed with majority
Had worked in CMDA

Parliament Committee on Independent Institutions has green lit the nomination of Ahmed Naseer as the next Governor of Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA).

Naseer was summoned to the Committee for his vetting, where he earned 94 percent and had earned the majority votes of the Committee. A potential nominee must earn 75 percent of marks from the Committee to pass.

The nomination was passed to Committee for vetting on Tuesday.

The nomination was pushed to the Committee while the opposition members were protesting on the Parliament floor. Some MPs were not even aware that the nomination had been forwarded to the Committee.

President Yameen had initially nominated former Assistant Governor Neeza Imad but had revoked the nomination. Neeza had resigned in protest.

The position of Governor became vacant after Dr. Azeema Adam resigned from the position. She is currently in the US with her husband, Dr. Ali Naseer, who had been appointed as Representative to UN and US.

Naseer is a former employee of Capital Market Development Authority (CMDA) and a former State Minister at Finance Ministry. He has a Bachelor’s of Commerce in Economics and Marketing as well as a Masters in Policy Economics.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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