K. Male'
23 Aug 2017 | Wed 11:53
The video was uploaded by opposition MP Rozaina Adam, of the Meedhoo constituency
The video was uploaded by opposition MP Rozaina Adam, of the Meedhoo constituency
Parliament Watch
Video shows lawmaker vandalizing minority leader's office door
It depicts scenes from Wednesday unrest in parliament where members of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives had gotten into a row with parliamentarians from the opposition
The video was uploaded by opposition MP Rozaina Adam, of the Meedhoo constituency
The Progressive Party of Maldives’ parliamentary group leader Ahmed Nihan Manik placed culpability for the unrest solely with members from the allied opposition parties

A video that seemingly shows MP Ali Arif, who represents the Kelaa Constituency, forcefully opening the door of MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s office by striking it, has surfaced.

It depicts scenes from Wednesday unrest in parliament where members of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives had gotten into a row, that escalated into minor acts of violence, with parliamentarians from the opposition.

The video was uploaded by opposition MP Rozaina Adam, of the Meedhoo constituency.

The Progressive Party of Maldives’ parliamentary group leader Ahmed Nihan Manik had condemned the act absolved the party claiming that he had not witnessed the vandalism. However, the video shows Nihan entering along with several of his fellow parliamentarians once the door had been rammed open.

He placed culpability for the unrest solely with members from the allied opposition parties, and said that it was their actions that caused the unrest to escalate.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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