K. Male'
17 Aug 2017 | Thu 13:51
Customers at a stall in last year's Night Market
Customers at a stall in last year's Night Market
Night Market
Night Market to be held in Industrial area
Will start on November 15

Maldives Chamber of Commerce has stated that the annual Night Market will be held this year in the Industrial area.

Speaking in a press conference, Chamber Board Member Abdul Maaniu said the Night Market will be held on November 15th.

He added that pricing details of the stalls will be released later on.

Maaniu further said they were in discussions with the Housing Ministry over the area within the Industrial zone for the market and that vendors can register even now.

Vendors can register by calling the 3326634 number of the Chambers.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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