K. Male'
14 Aug 2017 | Mon 12:18
Sunday night's campaign rally held by PPM
Sunday night's campaign rally held by PPM
Mohamed Wisam
Conducting Political Events
Allowed PPM to hold event as they had complied with procedures: MPS
Will support all activities that complies with procedures
Opposition events halted, participants pepper sprayed
Criticism on social media against Police

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has stated that they had allowed ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) to close off a street for opening a Party branch, as they had complied with the policies and procedures.

The statement came amid strong criticism against the Police for the differences observed between Police actions during pro-ruling Party activities and opposition led events. Critics claim that there was a clear double standard in the treatment meted out to the two sides.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Police Spokesperson Ahmed Shifan said the Police will be supportive of any actions that comply with existing policies and procedures and will assist when assistance is requested.

Shifan added that Police will always support activities that benefit the public and that they had done so in the past. However, he did not specify the procedures he was referring to.

Police previously said opposition rallies and events were held in areas that are prone to heavy traffic. Any activities on those areas will impede traffic and cause disturbances.

Police had taken an active role in barricading areas and diverting traffic flow for rallies and events held by President and First Lady. Police had assisted PPM in the rallies held during the Local Council Elections, providing security and diverting traffic.

Opposition parties had not been able to hold rallies on the roads without Police breaking up the protest.  Additionally, Housing Ministry had refused to release Carnival area to the opposition; the area had been designated as an area that can be used for political activities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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