K. Male'
14 Aug 2017 | Mon 12:18
MP Mariya with senior members of the opposition reformist movement
MP Mariya with senior members of the opposition reformist movement
Parliament Watch
Parliament run like a Government office: MP Mariya
AG working in defense of Dharubaaru faction  

The Parliament is now run like a Government office, says Parliament Member of Mahchangolhi North Constituency Mariya Ahmed Didi.

Speaking in RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ program, MP Mariya further said the Attorney General was also acting purely in defense of the Dharubaaru faction of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM). MP Mariya had strong criticisms of the AG, especially in the light of the floor crossing motion sent in by the AG that stripped MPs of their seats. She added that this was a disgraceful especially given that this was all perpetrated by the AG in defense of a specific political party.

The motion sent in by the AG, MP Mariya said showed the Government’s influence on the AG.

MP Mariya had criticized the motions put forward by the prosecution regarding the status of MPs and their seats.

‘Clause of 15 (c) of the political parties’ act states that a member can leave the party without any prior notice. The laws of PPM say that a member is dismissed with the submission of a letter. Dismissing that member twice, after he had sent in his letter of resignation, does not make sense,’ MP Mariya said.

MP Mariya highlighted on the pitfalls of the Government having the majority in the Parliament noting that major changes to Constitution, Freedom of Speech and Assembly had been facilitated through it.

She said the AG has to be a bastion for the Constitution, a defender against the illegal activities, especially from the Government. However, MP Mariya said today we see the AG taking an active role in aiding and abetting the Government in their illegal mandates and perpetrate overreach of powers.

‘We went for a system, where the powers of state were separate. A competitive system. ACC is an agency that must investigate corruption. If the MPs face the risk of losing their seats if they are dismissed or votes against the whip line, then how are we to work? The entire system is crippled, when an individual is dismissed when he begins investigating corruption. The Attorney General is obstructing our work. Bringing changes to laws like this unacceptable,’ she said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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