K. Male'
13 Aug 2017 | Sun 12:31
Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz
Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz
Crackdown on Opposition
Riyaz’s trial for Sunday cancelled
Second hearing of the case
No reason given for cancellation
PG filed appeal on July 23

The hearings of obstruction charges against Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader and Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdullah Riyaz has been cancelled.

The hearings were scheduled for Sunday; no reason has been given for cancellation.

Prosecutor General (PG) Office had filed the case for appeal on the 23rd of July. This was the second hearing of the case.

The three judges of Criminal Court had decreed that MP Riyaz was not guilty of obstruction given that the statements from the Police officers had contradicted each other. The verdict stated that MP Riyaz was taken into Police custody on March 27th against the privileges accorded to him as a Parliamentarian. It also said the MP’s phone cannot be confiscated without any evidence over the charges against him.

Riyaz is also a former Commissioner of Police and is a strong critic of the Government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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