K. Male'
11 Aug 2017 | Fri 16:50
Coral Boulevard is developing 4 tower buildings, 25 story each, at Rasfannu Beach area
Coral Boulevard is developing 4 tower buildings, 25 story each, at Rasfannu Beach area
Rasfannu Development
Bookings for flats in Rasfannu to open in two months
Four 25 storey buildings, with 350 flats
120 flats will be allotted to Govt.
Project to be completed by 2020

The Singaporean company says that bookings for the flats in Rasfannu area will be opened in two months.

The flats will be built between the futsal grounds adjacent to Thajuddin School and the netball courts in the social center; behing Hiriya School.

The 4 tower 25 storey buildings will be home to 350 flats. Housing Ministry had assigned the project to Singapore’s Chan-hua, the company behind the construction of the 25 storey new building in IGMH.

The official reported to RaajjeMV that the design process was on the way. The process will be completed in two months and the booking will be opened.

The official said the apartments will sell for around US$ 25,000 (MVR 385,500). The flats will be one-roomed, two-roomed and three-roomed apartments and sky villas.

Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu previously said that out of the 350 flats 120 flats will be given to the Government. The first four floors of the area will be used as parking spaces. The area, he said, can house 500 cars and 300 cycles.

The project is to be completed by 2020. The area has been cordoned off and work has begun in the area.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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