K. Male'
10 Aug 2017 | Thu 14:50
Hussain Humam, the accused in the murder of Late Dr. Afrasheem Ali, Parliamentarian for Ungoofaaru Constituency
Hussain Humam, the accused in the murder of Late Dr. Afrasheem Ali, Parliamentarian for Ungoofaaru Constituency
Capital Punishment
‘Why the mad rush to execute Humam’, asks lawyer Maumoon Hameed
Police had reopened investigation on Dr. Afrasheem murder
Hameed raised the question, noting investigation is incomplete
Death penalty had not been implemented in 60 years

Lawyer Maumoon Hameed has questioned on why the state was in a hurry to implement death penalty on Hussain Humam, the accused in the murder of Late Dr. Afrasheem Ali, Parliamentarian for Ungoofaaru Constituency.

Speaking in a press conference, following the press conference held by Police on Wednesday, Lawyer Hameed said Dr. Afrasheem’s case was reopened by Police. He said the Police had admitted the investigation was incomplete and questioned ‘why the mad rush to execute Humam based on an incomplete investigation?’.



Police had revealed that the newly formed Major Crime Investigation Center had reopened the cases on Dr. Afrasheem Ali and missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan. Even though the death penalty verdict had been given to Humam, those who had funded and planned the hit on the late Parliamentarian.

The Government had fast tracked implementing death penalty after a 60-year hiatus. Earlier this month Home Minister Azleen Ahmed had announced that death penalty will be implemented soon. This was confirmed a few days later by the President.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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