K. Male'
10 Aug 2017 | Thu 03:35
Press held by defense lawyers for Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Press held by defense lawyers for Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Trials on Parliamentarians
PG colluding to cover up illegal actions against MP Faris: Maumoon Hameed
PG attempting to ‘white wash’ illegal actions
Differences in statements between PG, Police in Court

Lawyer Maumoon Hameed has stated that the Prosecutor General (PG) was attempting to ‘white wash’ the illegal actions being taken on Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

Speaking to press regarding the appeal of his remand, Maumoon Hameed said that MP Faris was deprived from his rights, adding that PG had actively worked to cover up and show these as legal measures.

Maumoon said actions of this nature, encouraged disrespect of law. He further said that PG’s willful ignorance and refusal to address this was more dangerous and damaging.

‘The message Police get is that there will be no repercussions if they break the law, no action will be taken. Prosecutor General will protect us. This is a very dangerous message. This kind of message should not be communicated to anyone,’ he said.

Referring to the statements made by Police in the hearing, Maumoon noted that the Criminal Procedures Act had clearly stated that upon arrest, the arrestee must be taken to the nearest Police station. MP Faris was taken straight to Dhoonidhoo island. The lawyer noted that from the statements, one could deduce that they had no intentions of following the law. In spite of this, Maumoon Hameed said the lawyers from PG had attempted to paint this as a legal move.

The defense further noted that MP Faris’ remand was increased by the lower Court stating that he was charged with a major crime, even though he was arrested on bribery charges. Maumoon said they had noted in High Court that the MP was not charged with a major crime, as per the Penal Code. When the defense had raised this, PG had attempted to pass the bribery charges as corruption charges.

‘Prosecutor General is effectively stating that they have a power that even the Court does not have. Which is the power to translate the law, basically saying they can term the Criminal Procedures act as this. [He] was arrested on a crime that does not fit a major crime. But it can be termed as such. If we widen the scope we can see it as that. This is something that is concerning,’ he said.

Maumoon Hameed added that though the Police had said the case was about to be sent for prosecution, PG had confessed the investigation was not concluded.

The defense lawyer said the decision to detain MP Faris while the investigation was still ongoing was a direct attempt to intimidate Parliamentarians.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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