K. Male'
03 Aug 2017 | Thu 08:45
The Maldives Police Service (MPS) said that the superintendent and two inspectors have been extended the utmost courtesy by the Royal Malaysian Police.
The Maldives Police Service (MPS) said that the superintendent and two inspectors have been extended the utmost courtesy by the Royal Malaysian Police.
Hulhumalé police in Malaysia for familiarization program
These officers had held talks with different state authorities in Malaysia, which included methods of establishing better surveillance and other tactics pertaining to policing in urban areas
Superintendent Ahmed Shifan along with Inspectors Ahmed Moosa and Javeed Moosa have participated in it
Officers, who left on the 31st of July, will complete this program and are to return on Thursday

Senior police officers in Malé City’s urban extension Hulhumalé has left for Malaysia to participate in a training program that would teach them about the structures of other policing institutions.

Officers, who left on the 31st of July, will complete this program and are to return on Thursday. Superintendent Ahmed Shifan along with Inspectors Ahmed Moosa and Javeed Moosa have participated in it.

These officers had held talks with different state authorities in Malaysia, which included methods of establishing better surveillance and other tactics pertaining to policing in urban areas.

They had further met with the heads of the Royal Malaysian Police to discuss ongoing projects and infrastructural development.

The officers had visited the police headquarters in two districts, where they had observed how services are extended to said districts, and accommodation is provided to its officers.

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) said that the superintendent and two inspectors have been extended the utmost courtesy by the Royal Malaysian Police.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz