K. Male'
30 Jul 2017 | Sun 13:12
President's vehicle outside Police HQ
President's vehicle outside Police HQ
Political Crisis in Maldives
President Yameen makes abrupt visit to Police HQ
No reason given for trip
President Yameen’s vehicle in front of Police
Last made such a visit in 2015

President Abdullah Yameen has made an abrupt visit to headquarters of Maldives Police Service (MPS).

His car was spotted parked in front of the headquarters at Shaheedh Hussain Adam building. Security around the area had been beefed up.

No reason had been given for the abrupt visit. Both Police and President’s Office had not issued a comment on the visit.

President Yameen last made such a visit to Police in 2015.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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