K. Male'
27 Jul 2017 | Thu 20:44
Hinnavaru Constituency MP  Ibrahim Mohamed Solih speaking to press
Hinnavaru Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih speaking to press
Crackdown on Politicians
Police investigating attacks against Police is concerning: MP Solih
Jailing me will not stop this
Police investigating something Police did
Said they needed to finish investigation by a certain date

Hinnavaru Constituency MP and opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has stated that the opposition MPs are being dragged to Police over allegations that they had attacked Police.

Speaking to press after answering his summons on Thursday, MP Solih said that it was concerning that Police was investigating this, as there was a direct clash of conflicts.

The MP said the Parliament is a separate branch of the state and another branch of the state cannot impose their will and force on it. As such, he said that those officers who are carrying out the investigation were the same officers who had prevented the MPs from entering the Parliament. He added that this posed questions on the impartiality of the said investigation.

MP Solih further said that he had requested that the investigation be carried out in the presence of his lawyer. The Parliamentarian had been ordered to present himself to the investigation with his lawyer at 8pm on Friday.

MP Solih had requested for a delay to Saturday. This was denied on the grounds that the investigation must be finished before a certain date.

‘We have two holidays ahead of us. In spite of this, they scheduled it for Friday. I requested for a delay to Saturday or Sunday. They said they cannot as they have to conclude their investigations before a set date. On one side were those officers who had done it. You tell me how this will pan out?’ he said.

MP Solih said that all this were targeted attacks against Parliamentarians aligned with the opposition. However, he said the opposition were not ready to give up.

‘This will carry on. This doesn’t stop with jailing me or Abdullah Riyaz or Falah. This is connected to public. If the President feels otherwise, then he’s made a grave error,’ he said.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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