K. Male'
18 Jul 2017 | Tue 17:24
German Ambassador in meetings with senior officials of MDP
German Ambassador in meetings with senior officials of MDP
Current political status
Pres. invited me to play football; it depends on respecting rules: German Ambassador
Urged for collaboration, dialogue and cooperation to move forward
Expressed concern over changing rules
Called on the Government to respect the Constitution

German Ambassador to the Maldives, Jörn Rohde, has dealt severe criticism on the administration of President Abdullah Yameen, urging the Govenrment not to arbitrarily change the rules to suit the needs of the Government.

Speaking in an exclusive interview to RaajjeMV, the Ambassador said that when he had presented his credentials to President Yameen, he was invited to play football but participation depended on how one respect the rules.

‘Remember when I handed over my credentials, the President asked me to play football with him. But I have to say that depends on respecting the rules. Apparently, this is not really happening when you change, arbitrarily, on how you take no confidence motions conducted, how Parliamentarians can be stripped of their seats when they change parties or happens after an event not the liking of the Government. Rules are changed. And that is not a sustainable democracy,’ he said.

In his interview, the Ambassador called on the Government to respect the Constitution and to stop arbitrarily changing the rules.

‘Basically, first respect the Constitution, don’t change the goal posts all the time something happens. Thirdly, engage in a dialogue with the opposition, because I would say everybody has the same goal – to bring the Maldives forward, especially in light of the upcoming Independence Day,’ he said.

The Ambassador further noted the development over the past 30 years. However, he said this development needed stable parameters, especially with regards to the political side. He also noted the key role Maldives plays in the global field, especially with regards to climate change and urged for collaboration and cooperation to move forward.

The Ambassador was in the country on a short trip and had met politicians and civil society members during this visit.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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