K. Male'
17 Jul 2017 | Mon 15:40
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Crackdown on Opposition
No influence regarding Faris’ case: Judge Ibrahim Ali
Will be impartial to the best of my abilities

Judge Ibrahim Ali says that there was no influence on him to review the case of identity theft on Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

He made the statement in response to the procedural aspects raised by the defense in Monday’s hearing of the case against MP Faris.

MP Faris’ lawyer Maumoon Hameed said that it was not just enough to establish justice, it must also be seen to the naked eye. As such, he said that this glaring discrepancy was seen within the Court room itself.


MP Faris’ lawyer Maumoon Hameed
MP Faris’ lawyer Maumoon Hameed


Maumoon said that the Judge is presiding the case and directly next to him is the Prosecutor General.

Based on the arrangement of the Court room, state lawyers and Court officers have unparalleled access to the Judge, while the defense sits across the Judge.

Maumoon noted that every case is a battle between the prosecution and the defense, not a battle between the defense and the Judge. As such, he said the defense should sit directly opposite the prosecution, not in front of the Judge.

Maumoon further noted that the newly implemented Criminal Procedures Act, does not grant special provisions to the prosecution. He called on the prosecution to bring out any valid reason why they should sit next to the Judge and said that the prosecution must come down from their raised status, ready for battle.

Responding to the statements made by the defense, Judge said that he will review the case to the best of his abilities and impartially. He added that he will carry out the procedures within the law and that there was no influence or compulsion on him to deliver a verdict.

Referring to the physical arrangement of the Court room, the Judge said that it was merely an arrangement and that neither the prosecution nor the defense had different status. He said he will continue the proceedings as within the law.


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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