K. Male'
16 Jul 2017 | Sun 14:43
Justice Ali Hameed
Justice Ali Hameed
Presidents Office
Justice Ali Hameed
Justice Ali Hameed released from hospital
RaajjeMV understands that Justice Hameed was released on Sunday
He was admitted to IGMH on 6th July
Justice Hameed had been removed from his psoititon as chair of the Judicial Services Commission while he was hospitalized

Supreme Court justice, Ali Hameed has been released from his admittance to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

RaajjeMV understands that Justice Hameed was released on Sunday. He was admitted to IGMH on 6th July.

While the hospital has refused to comment on the justice's health, he was first treated at IGMH’s emergency unit before being transfeed to the ‘executive’ ward shortly after.

Justice Hameed had been removed from his psoititon as chair of the Judicial Services Commission while he was hospitalized. He was replaced by Surpeme Court Justice Abdulla Areef.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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