K. Male'
14 Jul 2017 | Fri 23:54
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin
Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin
Reformist Movement
Nation is in a constitutional slavery: Abdullah Kamaluddin
Members started reformist movement needed for the nation
Many ways in which a regime can be changed
Will recover the seats lost to the Members

Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader Abdullah Kamaluddin says that with the defection ruling issued by Supreme Court, the nation has fallen under a constitutional slavery.

Speaking in the rally held by the opposition figures in Thinadhoo Island in Gaaf Dhaal Atoll, Abdullah Kamaluddin said that there was no need to fear this change, adding that the united opposition was firmly with the MPs who had backed the motion. Echoing the sentiments made by the leaders of the reformist movement, Kamaluddin said that a larger majority will reelect them.

Reflecting on the development over the years, Kamaluddin said development of Male’ and atolls were linked and that unity was essential to a stable developing nation. He said the reformist movement was working for this goal.

Kamaluddin further stressed that the movement was taking a critical route to rectify the mistakes made by the government. As such, he said this was not an attempt at a coup. If the reformists wanted to change the current regime, then he said there were many more ways to do that.

He described the MPs who had signed the no confidence motion on Speaker Abdullah Maseeh as patriots and carrying out a mandate that will eventually benefit the nation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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