K. Male'
14 Jul 2017 | Fri 16:14
Mauroof Hussain, MP Ilham brother
Mauroof Hussain, MP Ilham brother
Azmoon Ahmed
Crackdown on Political Figures
MP Ilham’s sibling attacked
Case filed with Police

A sibling of Member of Parliament Ilham Ahmed was attacked late on Thursday night.

Mauroof Hussain, who was recently dismissed from his coordinator spot following MP Ilham’s defection, reported that he was attacked around midnight. He said he was on way to work from his residence.

He said that two assailants on a motorcycle yelled at him and attempted to aim their attacks at his neck. Mauroof said he had covered his neck in self-defense and that was how he managed to escape.



Mauroof said the attack was a warning to his brother.

The case has been filed in Maldives Police Service, who are yet to make a comment.



Mauroof and three other siblings were removed from their government positions after Ilham had signed the no confidence motion against Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh.

Ilham had previously said that he would not change his position, in spite of threats or intimidation.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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