K. Male'
14 Jul 2017 | Fri 07:20
Parliament's public finance committee
Parliament's public finance committee
Parliament committee holds closed-door meeting with IMF
The parliament’s secretariat has yet to announce why the committee meeting was closed off to the press
The IMF had reportedly shared their review of the Maldivian economy with the parliamentarians

The parliament’s public finance and economic committees have held a closed-door meeting with representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The parliament’s secretariat has yet to announce why the committee meeting was closed off to the press.

While around 10 representatives of the IMF had participated in the meeting, the parliament had announced that it would be closed off only after the press had already been notified that the meeting would be held.

The IMF had reportedly shared their review of the Maldivian economy with the parliamentarians. While the annual meeting with IMF was conducted in secret last year as well, it had always been open to the press before this.

The meeting was held on 14th July, and had continued from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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