K. Male'
09 Jul 2017 | Sun 13:25
MP Ilham Ahmed in parliament
MP Ilham Ahmed in parliament
People Megazine
MP Ilham Ahmed
Government-aligned lawmaker MP Ilham leaves ruling party
MP Ilham was one of the 11 ruling party parliamentarians that signed the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
In his letter of resignation, he said he ‘hopes PPM becomes a party that stands true to the people one day’
The Dhangethi constituency representative signed onto the party on October 20th, 2016

Government-aligned MP Ilham Ahmed has on Sunday announced his resignation from the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The Dhangethi constituency representative and his wife had signed onto the party on October 20th, 2016.

He had previously been the parliamentary representative for Gemanafushi constituency. He was elected on a Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party ticket and had defected to the Jumhooree Party in 2013.

While he had been elected for his second consecutive term in parliament on Jumhooree Party ticket, he had also served as the party’s deputy leader.

MP Ilham was one of the 11 ruling party parliamentarians that signed the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh.

In his letter of resignation, he said he ‘hopes PPM becomes a party that stands true to the people one day’.  

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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