K. Male'
09 Jul 2017 | Sun 11:44
MP Ibrahim Falah speaking to RaajjeMV
MP Ibrahim Falah speaking to RaajjeMV
Maseeh's No-Confidence
We are sure the motion against speaker Abdulla Maseeh will fail: MP Falah
MP Ibrahim Falah said in an interview to RaajjeMV that the ruling party is unconcerned about the motion of no-confidence
He added that some of the ruling party members, of whom 11 parliamentarians had signed the 45-signature motion, will vote against it
Falah had returned from a trip to Sri Lanka he embarked on last week along with several other members of PPM’s parliamentary group

There are several political tactics involved in the no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh, some of which cannot be revealed, said the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) deputy parliamentary group leader.

MP Ibrahim Falah said in an interview to RaajjeMV that the ruling party is unconcerned about the motion of no-confidence, spearheaded by the opposition. He added that the vote, slated for 24th July, will end in the speaker’s favour.

“We are not even slightly concerned about the no-confidence motion against Maseeh, and we are 100 percent sure that the motion against speaker Maseeh is going to fail” Falah said.

He added that some of the ruling party members, of whom 11 parliamentarians had signed the 45-signature motion, will vote against it.

Falah had returned from a trip to Sri Lanka he embarked on last week along with several other members of PPM’s parliamentary group.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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