K. Male'
09 Jul 2017 | Sun 00:18
former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Ex VP Ahmed Adeeb
Adeeb must be killed off, even if it is 15 times: audio leak
Adeeb faces life threatening conditions
MP Musthafa claims Pres. Yameen made the statements to MP Saleem
MP Hussain Manik Dhon Manik was also in audience

An audio clip has surfaced on social media platforms where allegedly President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom had claimed that former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb must be killed off, even if one had to do it 15 times.

The recording is between President Yameen and Thimarafushi Constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa.

MP Musthafa had confirmed that his voice is on the recording, when contacted by RaajjeMV for a comment.



MP Musthafa reported to RaajjeMV that he had requested Eydhafushi Constituency MP Ahmed Saleem regarding a reprieve for Adeeb to seek medical treatment for his multiple conditions. MP Musthafa said at this time, MP for Guraidhoo Constituency Hussain Manik Dhon Manik was also present when President Yameen made the statement.

Saleem, when contacted by RaajjeMV said that he needed to clarify this with MP Musthafa. He had not responded to the recording, as well.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali had not responded to the questions posed by RaajjeMV.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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