K. Male'
08 Jul 2017 | Sat 14:29
Dr. Hussein Zahir (far-right)
Dr. Hussein Zahir (far-right)
Dr. Hussein Zahir
Education Ministry sacks Dr. Hussein Zahir from advisory position
He is a veteran public official, having served as Youth Minister under longstanding former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and as Chancellor to the Maldives National University
He has also served as Chancellor to the Islamic University in Malé City
ahir is also one of the founders of Haveeru Media Group, which used to produce the Haveeru Daily, the oldest newspaper in the country

The Education Ministry has removed Hussein Zahir from his position as advisor to ministry.

Zahir was removed on Saturday and RaajjeMV understands that he has been issued a document confirming this.

He is a veteran public official, having served as Youth Minister under longstanding former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and as Chancellor to the Maldives National University. He has also served as Chancellor to the Islamic University in Malé City.

Zahir is also one of the founders of Haveeru Media Group, which used to produce the Haveeru Daily, the oldest newspaper in the country.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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