K. Male'
06 Jul 2017 | Thu 03:27
Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed
Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed
People Megazine
PPM in Crisis
Ilham resigns as PPM's Deputy PG Leader
Ilham elected to Parliament on JP ticket
Signed the no confidence motion on Maseeh
Resigned on Wednesday

Dhangethi Constituency MP Ilham Ahmed has resigned as Deputy Leader of the Parliamentary Group at ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

Ilham had tendered his resignation on Wednesday.

The PG's Leader Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik has been informed of the decision. Ilham had confirmed the news to some local channels. He, however, had not answered when RaajjeMV contacted him for a comment.

Ilham had signed the no confidence motion on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. However, when the motion was first put forward in March, Ilham had challenged the opposition, stating that the MPs who voted for the motion will be 'in hot water'.

He was elected to the Parliament on opposition Jumhooree Party (JP) ticket.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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