K. Male'
05 Jul 2017 | Wed 17:19
officers taking oath
officers taking oath
Search for Sumaid
Search for Sumaid still ongoing: MNDF
Cannot say if the dinghy had capsized, says Police
Sumaid’s family had questioned circumstances
Police say investigation still ongoing

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) says the search for Corporal Mohamed Sumaid is still on going.

The Corporal was first reported missing on June 4th, after his dinghy collapsed during a fishing trip.

MNDF Information Officer Captain Ibrahim Azim said that they have been searching the sea area, keeping a focus on the tides and currents. So far, MNDF had only been able to recover his phone.

A team from Maldives Police Service (MPS) is in Addu City for investigation. His phone was discovered near an uninhabited island called ‘Madihera’ near Shangri-la resort. Police had also searched uninhabited islands near the island for Sumaid.

While Sumaid’s friends had reported that the dinghy they had been travelling in had capsized a number of times, MNDF said that they are not able to confirm that matter.

Sumaid’s family has also expressed concern over the belongings still being onboard the vessel, adding that they just “want to know the truth” about what happened to Sumaid.

His friends were able to swim to nearby Shangri-La Island Resort, where they sought help and reported Sumaid’s case to authorities.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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