K. Male'
05 Jul 2017 | Wed 03:54
Former Islamic Minister Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Former Islamic Minister Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree
Kunooz Rally
Accountability is a key facet of an Islamic rule: Dr. Majeed
Independent Institutions can’t be accountable under Govt. majority Committees
Parliament cannot hold Govt. accountable

Former Islamic Minister under the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed Dr. Abdul Majeed Abdul Baaree, says accountability of leaders is a vital part of any Islamic rule.

Speaking in Tuesday night’s opposition rally in Maafannu Kunooz, Dr. Majeedh said that the public had accepted a republic system of rule, where the powers of state and independent institutions are separated and held to accountability.

Noting that the majority of the Committees were with the Government, Dr. Majeed said it was extremely difficult to hold institutions accountable due to this. He added the Committee for Independent Institutions was unable to fulfill their mandate due to lack of independence. He said the same situation had befallen the Government Oversight Committee. This, Dr. Majeed noted had contributed to furthering the culture of corruption.

Dr. Majeed also leveled severe criticism of Elections Commission, noting that they had strayed from their responsibilities as the main body of parties. He said the Commission’s sole mandate was to fine parties, with them unable to hand over legally mandated funds to the parties.

The former Islamic Minister further noted that Adhaalath Party Leader Sheikh Imran had sought to remedy the issues facing the nation from within the Government. However, Dr. Majeed noted that Imran and former President Maumoon’s work to address these issues were met refusal to listen to the issues. As a result, he said the two had chosen to distance themselves from the current regime.

Dr. Majeed added that Parliament Speaker Maseeh had aided and abetted all the crimes carried out by the Government. For this reason, Maseeh must be removed from his position.

Dr. Majeed stressed on the responsibilities of the Parliament, especially with regards to holding the Government accountable and uphold the checks and balances embedded in the Constitution.

Majeed had appealed to all MPs to remain steadfast in their commitment to the reform movement, especially in the face of the challenges.

The former Islamic Minister said Party system does not clash with Islam, with both stressing on the importance of dialogue and resolution through dialogue. If these aspects are not present, Dr. Majeed said public will seek a solution via demonstrations on the road.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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