K. Male'
29 Jun 2017 | Thu 22:43
Housing Minister Mohamed Muizz observing the renovation of Sultan Park
Housing Minister Mohamed Muizz observing the renovation of Sultan Park
Housing Ministry
Historical Discoveries
Coins dating back to 1800s discovered in Sultan Park
The coins date from 1835 and are from the East India Company

Hertige Department says that coins dating back to the 1800s has been found from the excavated areas in Sultan Park.

Heritage Department's media official Hassan Mohamed says the silver coins were found while officers of Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) were digging the park area, as part of the renovation work of the Park. The coins have been handed over to Heritage.

The coins date from 1835 and are from the East India Company. However, Hassan refused to divulge how many were found, adding it was under investigation. No decision had been made about displaying the coins to public either.

In a tweet on Thursday, Yumna Maumoon said the public must be aware of how such artefacts are treated.

The Government recently dismantled the ancient Kalhuvakaru mosque to be relocated to Thinadhoo island in Gaaf Dhaal Atoll. No work has been carried out on the island. The Government also is digging the Ali Rasgefaanu memorial to create a pump station.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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