K. Male'
19 Jun 2017 | Mon 16:43
Former Commissioner of Police and Kimbidhoo Constituency Parliamentarian Abdullah Riyaz
Former Commissioner of Police and Kimbidhoo Constituency Parliamentarian Abdullah Riyaz
MPS Operations
Riyaz calls on Police to hold press briefings for major cases
Police only released a statement in Ihavandhoo murder case
Only a statement was released in Yameen Rasheed murder
Police using social media to disseminate information

Former Commissioner of Police and Kimbidhoo Constituency Parliamentarian Abdullah Riyaz has called on the police to hold press briefings in major cases, instead of issuing statements.

In a tweet posted in Dhivehi on Monday, Riyaz said that releasing statements instead of holding press briefings was a step backwards. He appealed to the police to begin holding press briefings.

Police had released press briefings regarding the Bangladeshi Suman Miah (27) who had confessed to the murder of Ismail Umar in Ihavandhoo Island. Similarly, Police had issued a press statement on Sunday night, over the individuals arrested in connection to the murder of blogger and social media activist Yameen Rasheed.

Of late, instead of holding press briefings, police had resorted to issuing statements. Due to this, both journalists and public have expressed their dissatisfaction over unanswered questions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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