K. Male'
14 Jun 2017 | Wed 12:12
Scene from the accident
Scene from the accident
Road Accident
Youth passes away in Addu accident
Accident occurred on main road in Maradhoo Feydhoo

A youth has passed away in Addu City following a motorcycle accident on Maradhoo Feydhoo main road. Raajje.mv understands that the deceased is Mooqil Rasheed of Hithadhoo. He had passed away at around 1.30am.

Police Southern Division Commander Chief Inspector of Police Jamsheed Ali confirmed the death.

The deceased was first taken to Feydhoo Health Centre and later transferred to Hithadhoo Regional Hospital due to the severity of his injuries.

Eye witnesses report that he was already dead when brought to the hospital.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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