K. Male'
13 Jun 2017 | Tue 08:40
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb brought to ADK Hospital
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb brought to ADK Hospital
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Have taken a doctor’s appointment for Adeeb: Dr. Shaheed
Case to be filed to UN’s Special Rapporteur on health
Several medical complications for Adeeb
Govt. has refused to authorize medical leave for Adeeb

UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief Dr. Ahmed Shaheed has revealed that he had taken an appointment for a doctor for the former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb.

Dr. Shaheed, former Foreign Minister, said the appointment was fixed for June 14, 2017 for Dr. Dainius Pūras, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. Dr. Pūras is a medical doctor with notable expertise on mental health and childrens health and had taught in medical universities in Lithuania, UK and USA.

All relevant documentation regarding the former Vice President’s health has been shared with the Dr. Pūras.

Adeeb, who has been jailed for 33 years, had filed on many occasions for medical leave on account of his various medical conditions. His family and lawyers have warned that his life was in immediate danger and required urgent medical treatment.

Adeeb’s family had sent letters to both the Maldives Correctional Services (MCS) and Maldives Police Service (MPS), asking to allow him to travel abroad for medical treatment. However, both institutions refused to take responsibility, with MPS saying that MCS has the power to do so. MCS says that Adeeb is not under the facility.

Adeeb’s family had, earlier in June, released a statement claiming that he has developed an internal cyst, kidney stones and vision impairment from glaucoma since his incarceration in 2015.

Adeeb’s lawyer Moosa Siraj said that the former VP has to be given the necessary medical care, adding that there is a lot they had not revealed about his condition before.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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