K. Male'
11 Jun 2017 | Sun 14:37
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s brother Abdullah Alqeen
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s brother Abdullah Alqeen
Govt. appointments
President Yameen’s brother promoted to Deputy Minister
Served as Deputy Controller for Immigrations
Served in Met Department during Maumoon administration
Corruption case against him for his tenure in Met Department

President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s brother Abdullah Alqeen has been appointed as Deputy Minister at Minister of Environment and Energy.

In a tweet posted on Sunday, President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali had confirmed the appointment.

Alqeen was previously serving as Deputy Controller at Maldives Immigration. He had also served in the Maldives Metrological Service during the previous administration of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. He was charged with a corruption case which had been carried out during this period.

However, the Courts had deemed that the case cannot be proven.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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