K. Male'
09 Jun 2017 | Fri 17:13
tealing Paradise was released in September 2016
tealing Paradise was released in September 2016
Al Jazeera's Stealing Paradise
Al Jazeera team claims government hired firms to suppress Stealing Paradise
Stealing Paradise was based on evidence gathered from three of the former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb’s mobile phones
The exposé was released in September 2016

Producers of Al Jazeera’s Stealing Paradise, a documentary that uncovered a money laundering scheme of USD 1.5 billion, has claimed that the government hired firms to suppress it.

The team’s investigative unit said while receiving the One World Media’s Corruption Reporting Award that the government had hired British legal and public relations firms to suppress the agency’s broadcast.

On Tuesday, Will Jordon, the journalist behind the documentary, dedicated it to missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan and murdered writer Yameen Rasheed.

READ MORE: Al Jazeera's Stealing Paradise picks up award at One World Media Awards

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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