K. Male'
08 Jun 2017 | Thu 17:45
MACI's former vice president Mohamed Ali Janaah
MACI's former vice president Mohamed Ali Janaah
MACI's Janaah made vice president of IFAWPCA
Janaah’s nomination for IFAWPCA’s 43rd term was forwarded by the Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI)
He was appointed to this position at the IFAWPCA Convention held Seoul, South Korea

Mohamed Ali Janaah has been made vice president of the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’ Associations (IFAWPCA), a regional organization concerned with the construction industry.

Janaah’s nomination for IFAWPCA’s 43rd term was forwarded by the Maldives Association of Construction Industry (MACI).

He was appointed to this position at the IFAWPCA Convention held Seoul, South Korea. Abdulla Mohamed, MACI’s current president, had been appointed secretary-general of the federation while MACI’s vice president Alau Ali was appointed to its working group.

MACI has been a member association of IFAWPCA since 1980.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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