K. Male'
07 Jun 2017 | Wed 21:49
Maldives Trade Union’s Vice President Adam Azim
Maldives Trade Union’s Vice President Adam Azim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Foreign policy
‘Friendship’ is an alien concept to this administration: Azim
National resources, assets used, wasted

Maldives Trade Union’s Vice President Adam Azim has stated the concept of ‘friendship’ is an alien concept to this administration.

Speaking in Tuesday night’s edition of RaajjeTV’s ‘Bodu Suvaalu’ program, Azim, who had served as the Managing Director of State Trading Organization (STO), said the present administration of Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom had maintained ties with nations who had regularly abused human rights. He further said the economic policies of the Government had done more damage to the nation, citing rising prices of basic goods and services as evidence fo this.

Azim added that Maldives was a prosperous nation, but said this prosperity was wasted by the Government.

Azim further stressed that no investment brought in during this tenure had long-term benefits, but rather short-term ones, with the added effect of economic slavery. He said the nation must rid itself of President Yameen for stability.

Reflecting on the foreign policy of the country, Azim said the Maldives was in effect, now run under the influence of a few nations. He noted the decision to sever ties with Qatar only disappointed the public.

Azim said that it was deeply troubling that foreign policy of Maldives was determined by phone calls from Riyad, adding that this showed foreign policy did not favor the nation. He added that President Yameen must answer the questions public posed regarding his ability and mental capacity to govern. He noted the Qatar issue was an Arabic issue and therefore there was no reason for Maldives to intervene in it.

Referring to the Government’s claim that terrorism was the reason to sever ties with Qatar, Azim said it would be better for the Government to stop locals from traveling to Syria. He said there was no point for the Government to involve the nation in another nation’s issues without solving these issues.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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