K. Male'
05 Jun 2017 | Mon 21:32
Maldives Government of Maldives on severing diplomatic ties with Qatar
Maldives Government of Maldives on severing diplomatic ties with Qatar
Foreign diplomacy
Maldives severs diplomatic ties with Qatar
Cites stance against terrorism as reasons
Maldives wishes to see stability to Middle East
Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Libya and Egypt has also severed ties with Qatar

The Government of Maldives has severed ties with Qatar.

A statement released by the Government on Monday stated that the decision was in effect from June 5, 2017.

The statement added that the ‘Maldives took the decision because of its firm opposition to activities that encourage terrorism and extremism’. It also said that Maldives had worked towards peace and stability in the Middle East.

‘The Maldives reiterates its commitment to work with countries that promote peace, stability, and show solidarity in the fight against terrorism,’ the statement reads.

Maldives established diplomatic relations with Qatar on May 26, 1984.

The decision of the Government follows the decisions made by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Libya and most recently Yemen to severe diplomatic relations with Qatar. The nations say that Qatar maintains ties with groups listed as terror groups by Saudi Arabia and America.

Qatar has been a staunch supporter of Hizbullah, Muslim Brotherhood and on the international arena, had defended Iran.

Qatari Government had issued a response to the decision made by the Arab nations.

‘Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar expressed its deep regret and surprise at the decisions by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain to close their borders and airspace, and sever diplomatic relations with the State of Qatar, bearing in mind that these measures are unjustified and based on false claims and assumptions,’ the statement read.

Qatar added that this was ‘a campaign of lies that have reached the point of complete fabrication’ and that this was ‘a hidden plan to undermine the State of Qatar’.

It also stated that the purpose of those nations was ‘clearly the imposition of guardianship over Qatar, which is in itself a violation of its sovereignty, and is rejected outright.’

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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