K. Male'
02 Jun 2017 | Fri 21:00
Nasheed in session with DW
Nasheed in session with DW
Mohamed Nasheed
Want to prevent Maldives from sinking into a dictatorship: Nasheed
Rising extremist views deeply concerning
Will contest in the 2018 Presidential elections
This is the time to create a unity Government

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has stated that he wanted to prevent Maldives from sinking into a dictatorship.

Speaking in an interview to Germany’s DW news, the former President said that almost all opposition leaders are in jail, adding that almost all political parties faced restrictions in implementing their mandates.

He added that it was deeply concerning that the current administration had allied itself with Salafist groups. Referring to the exclusive agreement signed between the state’s media Public Service Media (PSM) and Salaf Group, Nasheed said the opportunity to hold and broadcast sermons must not be restricted to one group.



Nasheed described extremist views as damaging to the nation, adding that rising extremist views in the Maldives was at alarming levels. He said the Maldives had the highest number of recruits to organizations such as ISIS based on population. As a result of actions such as this, Nasheed said, the damage to the nation’s identity and democratic efforts were threatened.

Noting that freedom of expression and exercising basic rights were being restricted, Nasheed highlighted on the importance of creating a national unity Government until the situation in the Maldives had calmed down.

He also noted that the investigation into the murder of blogger Yameen Rasheed was stalled. Following Yameen’s murder, Nasheed noted that free speech was under attack more, with proponents of free speech being summoned to Police and threatened by gangs.

The former President reiterated his pledge to contest in the 2018 elections. He had also called on President Yameen to release all imprisoned opposition political leaders and to create a conducive environment to free and fair elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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