K. Male'
01 Jun 2017 | Thu 15:24
Continuous rain throughout Wednesday had flooded parts of Uligamu Island, in Haa Alifu atoll
Continuous rain throughout Wednesday had flooded parts of Uligamu Island, in Haa Alifu atoll
Turbulent Weather
Heavy showers and gusts continue to ravage outer lying islands
Continuous rain throughout Wednesday had flooded parts of Uligamu Island, in Haa Alifu atoll
The turbulent weather had also destroyed several fields, directly cutting off income for its large farming population
Strong winds had also damaged homes in Thinadhoo Island in Gaafu Dhaal atoll

Ongoing heavy showers across the Maldives have flooded and destroyed parts of several islands in the outer lying atolls.

Continuous rain throughout Wednesday had flooded parts of Uligamu Island, in Haa Alifu atoll.

“Three parts of the island has been flooded, the residential area to the north, near the island’s council, and the area surrounding the powerhouse” said chair of the island’s council, Imad Ibrahim.

The water rises up to three feet in some of these areas, Imad said. Strong winds had even brought down trees in some houses while flooding had destroyed several pieces of furniture and other household items.

The turbulent weather had also destroyed several fields, directly cutting off income for its large farming population.

“Uligamu’s majority are farmers, and the rain destroying several fields is going to cause a lot of difficulties” Imad continued.

Strong winds had also damaged homes in Thinadhoo Island in Gaafu Dhaal atoll. Houses to the west of the island had their roofs ripped apart.

Roofs ripped apart by strong winds in Thinadhoo island of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll

Rescue officers are active in both islands.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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