K. Male'
30 May 2017 | Tue 13:41
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
Azmoon Ahmed
Ahmed Adeeb
Confusion over which agency can authorize medical leave for ex-VP
Police say decision can be made by Corrections
Corrections say decision can only be made by Police
Adeeb’s medical condition continues to deteriorate

Confusion has risen over which state agency can authorize medical leave for former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb, in light of the request made by his family, due to his deteriorating health status.

A statement released by the family on the 22nd of this month stated that Adeeb’s medical condition had deteriorated since his arrest on October 24, 2015.

The family said Adeeb had a cyst, kidney stones and glaucoma, a disease which affects the optic nerve. The family’s statement added that all these had been confirmed by tests run in Male’ City.

Adeeb’s family had requested Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) and Maldives Police Service (MPS) to authorize a medical leave.

Adeeb is currently serving a 33-year jail term in Maafushi jail. However, he was transferred to Dhoonidhoo, under Police custody on March 8th.

A letter sent by Police in response to the family’s plea stated that Adeeb is currently serving a sentence and therefore, request to relieve him for medical leave must be taken from Maldives Correctional Service.

This reply was sent on the 18th of this month.

When questioned about the issue, Corrections media official reported to Raajje.mv that Adeeb is under Police custody and therefore they did not have the jurisdiction to determine any decision over his medical leave.

Adeeb’s lawyer, Moosa Siraj said that Dhoonidhoo is a detention center and not a jail and therefore, his transfer to Dhoonidhoo was illegal. Siraj added that even though the Police were not willing to accept responsibility for Adeeb’s medical conditions and that this was a serious issue. He said Adeeb’s vision was being affected by his glaucoma diagnosis. Siraj further added that medical reports had shown that Adeeb had three cysts as well.

Siraj appealed to grant leave to go abroad for medical reasons, under the same procedures applicable for other inmates.

Siraj had also appealed to Commissioner of Police Ahmed Areef and Commissioner of Prisons Ahmed Shihan to grant him some leniency during the month of Ramadan and to take his medical condition into account.

Adeeb, who has been jailed since 2015, had several health complications following then.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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