K. Male'
26 May 2017 | Fri 22:31
Flats constructed in Arabiyya plot
Flats constructed in Arabiyya plot
Azmoon Ahmed
Housing crisis
Down payment completed, flat owners not given keys to flats
Loan letters handed over in January 26
HDC says financial screening carried out on owners
Previously said a meeting will be held regarding TATA flats

Raajje.mv understands that the owners of the flats constructed in Gaakoshi and Arabiyya School plots have not received keys to their flats, in spite of having paid the down payment.

Speaking to Raajje.mv, one of the flat owner said that they had paid the initial payments to HDC, but are yet to receive keys. He said HDC had not informed of a date when the keys will be given or of any arrangements to that nature.

HDC Media Official was not reachable for a comment. HDC Managing Director Mohamed Saiman had not responded to the calls made by the paper or any of the messages exchanged via viber.

HDC had given a deadline of January 26th for the applicants to submit their letters from banks stating that they were eligible for loans. A letter by HDC said the flats will be handed over after paying the initial payments. It also said those wishing to pay the full amount can inform HDC before 3pm on January 26th.

In an interview to Raajje.mv previously, Saiman said there were many who were ready to pay the MVR 2 million and down payment up front and that these will be excluded from the financial screening.

TATA Group had handed over the flats to the Government in April 2016. Ninety apartments were constructed in Arabiyyaa, while 198 were constructed in Gaakoshi plot.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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