K. Male'
25 May 2017 | Thu 16:49
Gender Minsiter Zenysha Zaki at the launching ceremony on Wednesday
Gender Minsiter Zenysha Zaki at the launching ceremony on Wednesday
Hope for Women's 'Ranmui'
Hope for Women launches 'Ranmui', in recognition of Maldivian women
The book includes profiles and biographies of women who have been long serving in the state, civil society, and other industries
Minsiter Zenysha had commended Hope for Women for Ranmui and its recognition of those that have contributed to the country
Ranmui, which literally means ‘pearl’, has been in the making since 2015

Hope for Women has launched ‘Ranmui’, a book that conveys the stories of 26 women hailed to pioneers in different industries of the Maldives. 

Ranmui, which literally means ‘pearl’, has been in the making since 2015, and was launched at a ceremony where Gender Minister Zenysha Shaheed Zaki was the chief guest on Wednesday. 

The book includes profiles and biographies of women who have been long serving in the state, civil society, and other industries. 

Minsiter Zenysha had commended Hope for Women for Ranmui and its recognition of those that have contributed to the country.

She expressed her confidence that it would inspire generations of women and girls to aspire towards achievement. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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