K. Male'
24 May 2017 | Wed 03:48
President Abdullah Yameen at the Arab Islamic American Summit
President Abdullah Yameen at the Arab Islamic American Summit
Arab Islamic American Summit
President Yameen’s statement as an official document of Summit: PO
President Yameen called on to unite against terrorism
Stressed on the importance working against extremism

President’s Office has revealed that a statement by President Abdullah Yameen will be made an official document of the Arab Islamic American Summit.

The announcement came after the President’s Office had claimed that President Yameen would give an address at the Summit. However, the Summit had concluded without President Yameen giving the address.

President’s Office said that ‘the Summit aimed to establish a new partnership between Muslim nations and the United States to fight against the menace of violent extremism and terrorism, and promote the values of tolerance, coexistence and stability.’

In his address the President ‘remarked that the leaders present at the Summit have a collective duty to promote the values of tolerance and urged to bolster efforts to ensure peaceful coexistence.’ His speech highlighted that Maldives condemned all forms of terrorism and the ‘importance of addressing social grievances such as disillusionment, injustice and alienation that drive young people towards extremism’.

‘Extremist views, in the words of the President, cannot be beaten by violence but has to be challenged with counter-narratives that address grievances and the broader contextual conditions conducive to the spread of fear and violence.’

President Yameed said that Arab and Islamic nations were in the center of the debate of terrorism and extremism and terror activities carried out under the guise of Islam, which, he noted that had tarnished the name and image of Islam.

President’s Office further stated that President Yameen had stressed on the importance of strengthening of cross-border intelligence sharing and management and improvement of legal and military counter-terrorism measures taken by the United Nations.

Saudi King Salman bin AbdulAziz Al-Saud had presided over the Summit.

President Yameen had arrived back in the Maldives on Tuesday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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