K. Male'
22 May 2017 | Mon 22:16
Parliament in session
Parliament in session
Parliament session
Parliament sessions to resume on June 5
14 sittings held in first session
Speaker no confidence motion failed
New no confidence motions to be filed against Speaker, Deputy Speaker

Parliament sessions are to resume on the 5th of June, after a break of one and half months.

The Parliamentarians have been notified of the start of the sessions but no agenda had been made public.

The first session of the Parliament was concluded on the 16th of April.

Not much was carried out in the previous session of the Parliament. Only 14 sittings were held, while the average is at 36.

The highlights of the previous session includes the no confidence motion on the Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. The motion had failed to gain traction following the way the vote was taken. Following this, the Parliament laws were amended so that signatures of 42 Parliamentarians were required for any no confidence motion on the Speaker or his Deputy.

The opposition movement had already announced that a no confidence motion will be taken on Speaker and Deputy Speaker. The Parliament opens at a time when political tides have begun to change following the results of the Local Council Elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Muhsin
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